Here fishy, fishy…

Eat Your Fish! The Osteoarthritis Diet –

Can the foods you eat have an impact on osteoarthritis inflammation? Many experts think so. You’ll need to go on a modified pescetarian diet if you want to try this. Let me go into detail about the diet especially designed for osteoarthritis.

Not only can omega-3s found in fish significantly reduce joint pain and shorten the duration of morning stiffness, but studies, such as those reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, show that increased levels of omega-3 fatty acids also have enabled people taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce their dosage or discontinue use by following a special osteoarthritis diet.

Adding about two 3-ounce servings of seafood to your menu each week is a good way to increase your levels of omega-3s and is the first part of a diet meant for osteoarthritis. The highest levels of omega-3 can be found in salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, sardines and herring, which are all cold-water, fatty fish. Inflammation in your body should decrease with the addition of omega-3s to your osteoarthritis diet.

Soy and soy foods such as tofu and tempeh, along with other legumes and nuts and seeds can be used as plant-based protein sources in your diet. Beans contain a more complete set of amino acids than other plant-based food and they are high in iron, B vitamins and fiber. Try substituting beans in recipes that call for meat. Whole grains are an excellent source of nutrition, as they contain essential enzymes, iron, dietary fiber, vitamin E, and the B-complex vitamins. Because the body absorbs grain slowly, they provide sustained and high quality energy. Try Quinoa, a complete protein source, and super easy to make. Goji berries are a complete protein source. This delicious, low calorie snack strengthens your immune system, increases energy and helps to curb cravings. It has one of the highest antioxidant contents in all food. Nutritionally, green vegetables are very high in protein, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and vitamins A, C, E and K. They are crammed with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micro-nutrients and phyto-chemicals. Simply stir-fry up or steam some broccoli, kale, bok choy, or cabbage. As this planet’s singularly most nutritious food, sea vegetables contain protein and all of the minerals needed for health. With 10 to 20 times the minerals of land plants, plus the added punch of a range of vitamins, the addition of sea vegetables to your diet will help meet your nutritional needs. Plant based protein is an excellent addition to your diet if you have osteoarthritis.

Certain foods can increase the inflammation in your body, look out for: junk food, high-fat meats (red meat, bacon and sausage), sugar, and highly processed foods. Cut back on refined white flours in bread and pasta (look for 100% whole-grains instead). Avoid sugary items like soda and desserts. Many proponents of the diet will also have you cut out dairy and eggs as well.

Nightshade plants (potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant) contain an alkaloid called solanine which some people believe causes pain and inflammation. Formal research has yet to be done, but many osteoarthritis patients, especially those with Fibromyalgia, find relief when eliminating nightshade plants from their osteoarthritis diet.

This is a great way to get back on track with your osteoarthritis!

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