About Us

What is Osteoarthritis?

As our joints age, they begin to lose their ability to act as shock absorbers between bones. The cartilage that covers the ends of weight-bearing joints such as the knee, hips and ankles begins to break down. The joints in the hands, feet and cervical spine are also common areas for osteoarthritis to develop. As the cartilage breaks down with age or after an injury, the smooth surface that would normally cushion the movement of bones that form the joints becomes thinner or rougher. In severe osteoarthritis, the cartilage will wear away completely and cause bones to grind each other without a shock absorber. Pain, inflammation and lack of mobility are the results.

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Osteoarthritis Research from ARIA

Since 1988, the Arthritis Research Institute of America has focused 100% of its efforts on osteoarthritis research. On the “Our Research Papers” page, you’ll find more than twenty scientific papers that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. Over 3,700 volunteer participants from Florida have participated in the longitudinal Clearwater Osteoarthritis Study. The study was designed to discover why some people develop this disease and others don’t. More than 27 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis, the number one crippler of adults. By 2030, at least 70 million people, 25% of Americans, will have developed it. Our research and published papers are just the first step in preventing and treating osteoarthritis.

Click here to for information on Osteoarthritis Research

The Arthritis Research Institute of America Team

The ARIA team is dedicated to osteoarthritis research. They are composed of expert researchers, university interns and are backed by an experienced board of directors.

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